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Quick News & eNews Changing!!

RI ‘Quick News’ & ‘eNews’ is Changing

As Bob Dylan sang so long ago:  ‘The times they are a changing’.  So in order to provide better service to our members, we are changing also.  We will continue to send out an email Quick News as in the past, but it will be much simpler – mostly links pointing to the information which will be posted on our new website.

Here are some hilites:

  • 2014 04 - change is nowWith the release of the new RI website in February, most information will now be posted on the ‘News‘ page.
  • Now you will be able to post comments on articles on the ‘News’ page.
  • Confidential information will be posted behind a password at appropriate locations throughout the website.
  • The existing ‘Members Only‘ page has been renamed Webline Log In‘ and is found at the top and bottom of every page on the website.
  • Features formerly found in the ‘Members Only‘ section will be gradually integrated into the new website and protected with a password where appropriate.
  • The first example of this movement from the ‘Members Only’ section is the new ‘Vendor Pricing‘ page.  RI Pricing for most vendors is now more easily maintained by RI staff and more easily accessed by RI Members.  Read more.

We hope these changes will make the new RI website a more timely and valuable source of information for our members.


Please post your comments below and tell us what you like, don’t like, give us suggestions, etc.

3 Responses to “Quick News & eNews Changing!!”

  1. Tim

    Stay tuned – with the release of the new website in Feb we are now able to do a lot of things we could not do before. A members only forum is one of the things on the agenda for later this year. Thanks for your input!!

  2. Sean Jones

    I like Jerry’s idea of a private forum.
    I would also like to see a “What works for me” section. I need fresh ideas and would like to offer any as well.

  3. Jerry Abt

    Looking forward to a “Members only” blog that won’t be open to the public. I’m hoping that we can be candid and frank about matters with one another and find ways to improve our businesses and our group. I’m also hoping to be able to find an outlet for some stock that maybe someone else can use. (Translated: I’ve got some stuff I want to dump cheap).